Wy-Jon County USBC, Inc.
Wy-Jon County USBC, Inc.

 Association Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3919                                                                   Shawnee, KS 66203       Association  Phone & Fax: 913 - 631 - 7209                   Association E-mail  Address: wyjonba@att.net       USBC  Association # 81686  

Notice From Wy-Jon County USBC, Inc. President

The Board of Directors of Wy-Jon County USBC is pleased to announce that we have hired Ricky Reynolds as our new Association Manager. Ricky is beginning these duties effective immediately.
Our new mailing address is:  Wy-Jon County USBC, Inc.
                         P.O. Box 3919
                         Shawnee, KS 66203
If you have mailed anything to the previous address recently, Ron Rubin is still making sure we get anything he has received during this transition. 
We pick items up from the bowling centers on a weekly basis. If you leave something at the counter to get passed on to us, please put it an envelope marked Wy-Jon USBC and send an email letting us know to look for it, it is not the responsibility of the bowling center to make sure we get items left there although most centers are good about making sure we do.  
We are getting e-mail to the wyjonba@att.net address. If you sent something since the first of the year and have not received a response yet, please be patient while we work through getting new processes in place. If it's urgent, please call the 913-631-7209 number, those calls are being answered by Dena Fischer until we get a new phone setup. 
We may be changing the Wy-Jon email address and phone number in the near future. If we do, we will be sure update our website and Facebook and will notify the bowling centers at that time.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to any Director if you have concerns or questions.
Our contact information is on the website: wy-jonbowling.org
under the Director Information tab.
Dena Fischer
On behalf of the Wy-Jon County USBC, Inc. Board of Directors